Copy/Play was an ambitious show, aiming to create a safe space for us to be whole human beings - shadows and all.
The show had four main zones: nudes, memes, pleasure pieces and a forest of creatures.
The show also featured a performance and a video installation (Yes, all over my face daddy, 2021).
With this immersive experience, I wanted to allow light and shadow to co-exist, I wanted to work with embracing both - in ourselves and in the world that surrounds us.
To achieve the set goal I had several tactics. I used ceramic creatures to invoke joy and wonder, to allow playfulness and to access emotions and allow joy. I juxtaposed the light and playful with darker work, such as the nude section and pieces talking about the demonisation of female sexuality.
My artistic practice centers around shadow work and community service, so I wanted to open up a space to let go of grievances. I did this with the Surrender piece, described in detail below.
See the stories on instagram here.
Listen to an episode of shadow work podcast about the show with Lars Kramhøft here.
Thank you
The wooden sculptures are by Sini Salminen (Things I Imagined) who was kind enough to let me use her work for the exhibition.
Other pedestals were generously gifted by the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.
The show was funded by Kulturministeriet and helped realised by the venue - Basement and Thomas Taxvig.
Anders Remark worked with me on the performance project Livsfarlig Ledning.
Pictures by the talented Morten Møller from
Thank you!
Ceramic Pieces

The nude section
With the “Send Nudes” project I’ve been diving into the phenomenon of nudes, asking my peers to send nudes and to tell me why they love sending them.
The idea for this project came to me in 2018 when a survey found that teenage girls – when asked what they’d do online if their parents weren’t watching – most commonly replied: Post more nudes on instagram.
This made me curious to know how other people feel about nudes, so I asked them.
In this selection you can read their different “Nude Manifestos” and get an insight into how we can navigate online dating culture while staying whole human beings.

Collecting nudes for the exhibition

Collecting nudes for the exhibition
The Surrender Piece
This piece invites you to let go of something that’s been holding you down.
Surrendering your will, letting go of grievances and letting go of wanting things to be a certain way in order for you to be happy – is one of the greatest gateways to happiness.
This piece invites you to let go, forgive someone (or yourself) – surrender your will and excist in oneness.
Grab the pen - put your greivences on paper
and drop it in the magic cat.
Decide to let it go.