Upcoming talk!
I'll be speaking at Pictoplasma Copenhagen, June 21st 2025
This talk will focus on how I created my universe, my graphic novel trilogy, working with big creative projects, having FUN and more. Get your tickets here.
Matilde Digmann (Mat) is an award winning artist and author.
Their artistic practice is multi-faceted but rooted in two main principles:
Work evolving around outing shadow and exposing things we usually try to keep in the dark, calling out biased structures in society and discrepancies in dominant morality. Mat is in pursuit of healing a generation of men and women who have been radicalised by growing up in capitalist patriarchy - via the graphic novels Pseudo and Bad Boys.
The second focus is working towards a betterment of the artistic community - in service to particularly blocked artists via the podcast Shadow Work Podcast.
Tak for kunstfonden for støtte til mit litterære og kunstneriske virke.